Engineer for Architecture Verena Hoegel

Engineer for Architecture Verena Hoegel

Building & Construction / Architect-Engineers

Design and drafting of buildings and interiors, construction planning and construction management / site management for buildings in solid construction and modular construction (e.g. with wood, concrete).

Planning services for: Residential buildings, houses, villas, hotels and apartment complexes, office buildings, business parks, restaurants, kindergartens and schools, hospitals and care facilities, shopping centers, etc. Interior design for: Hotels and restaurants, airports, villas, shopping centers, etc. Cooperation and coordination: Structural design, technical building equipment, fire protection planning, construction companies, Energy production, etc.

Company Official: Verena Hoegel

Company / Person Phone: -

Company / Person GSM: 004917695635361

Company / Person E-Mail: [email protected]

Company / Person Address: Schmellerstrasse 8 Au in der Hallertau / Germany

DialWeb® Number: 3333 6666 9999

Added Date: 09 Temmuz 2024

Location of the Company / Person on the Map